LIU, Sochi
Sochi Liu is the manager of the SLR lab. Starting her career as an external auditor, she now explores mechanisms underlying human behaviour and decision-making processes. In 2020, she received a Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology from the University of Hong Kong.
Sochi is currently engaged in the SLR Lab’s 5-year longitudinal research project, I-DID, which focuses on the cognitive, language, literacy, and behavioural development of children with family risk of dyslexia.

LING, Qianyun (Lydia)
Qianyun Ling (Lydia) is a full-time research assistant at the SLR Lab. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Edinburgh (with first class honours), and received a Master of Science in Education (Child Development and Education) from the University of Oxford. Qianyun’s research interest is on Psychometrics. During her university years, she mastered advanced data analytic techniques using R (e.g., SEM, IRT), and gained experiences working with young children in assessment settings from various internships focusing on children’s development and wellbeing.
Qianyun is now a member of the SLR Lab’s 5-year longitudinal research project, I-DID, which focuses on the cognitive, language, literacy, and behavioural development of children with family risk of dyslexia. She primarily works on data analysis and conducting child assessment sessions.

SIU, Yee Ting (Iris)
Siu Yee Ting (Iris) is a full-time research assistant at the SLR Lab. After receiving her BSSoc in Psychology (first class honours), Iris worked as a SEN teaching assistant in a primary school. She supported various kinds of SEN students and provided individualised training for them. In 2023, Iris also received her MSc in Foundations of Clinical Psychology from the University of Southampton.
Iris is currently involved in the SLR Lab's longitudinal research projects, which investigate the language, cognitive and reading development of children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

CHEUNG, Chit (Ellen)
Ellen Cheung is a full-time research assistant in the SLR Lab. In 2024, she graduated in BASc (Interdisciplinary Studies) with a second major in Psychology from the University of Hong Kong, where she also received the Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme (URFP). Prior to working full-time, she was a summer research intern and completed her URFP project at the SLR Lab.
She is currently engaged in the SLR lab’s research project, investigating the neurophysiological indicators of cognitive, language, and reading difficulties in children with and without special education needs.

LI, Xihan (Lexi)
Xihan Li (Lexi) is a full-time research assistant at the SLR Lab. She received her bachelor’s degree in Applied Linguistics (with first class honours) from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, and completed MA in Linguistics at the University of Hong Kong. She had experience working with TD and SEN students in different institutions, and is especially interested in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Lexi is currently engaged in the SLR Lab’s longitudinal research projects, exploring the linguistic and cognitive skills of autistic and neurotypical children.