Annual Meeting of the Global Alliance on the Science of Learning for Education
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The Annual Meeting of the Global Alliance on the Science of Learning for Education was held on 2-3 December 2024 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
As a founding member of the one of the two working groups within UNESCO's Global Alliance on the Science of Learning for Education, Prof. Tong was invited to author and present part of the report.
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Publication of the Compendium, "Insights From the Science of Learning for Education"
The compendium "Insights From the Science of Learning for Education" is a compilation of research findings related to the implementation of science and technology in education around the world.
In particular, Chapter 7 ("AI to the Rescue: Helping Children at Risk for Dyselxia Surmount Educational Barriers") by Prof. Tong highlights the importance of incorporating AI and educational technology into early screening and intervention for dyslexia. Embracing this direction has important implications for reducing the global disparities in providing timely diagnoses and treatment for dyslexia, helping dyslexic individuals reach their full potential.
The full document published by UNESCO can be accessed through the following link:
An excerpt of Chapter 7, titled "AI to the Rescue: Helping Children at Risk for Dyslexia Surmount Educational Barriers", authored by Prof. Tong: